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Alpine Stories with Adel Pennington: Ascent of the Matterhorn

Join the talk by clicking this link at 7pm BST on Thursday 30th April 2020:

Friendship, 50th Birthday and One Famous Aline Peak. Adel Pennington’s WAAC Alpines Stories talk ‘Two Girls in a Van’, regales us about the enduring friendship of two women and their shared passion for Alpine Mountaineering. As is in the rest of life, adventure plans are made but life and the temperamental nature of the mountain environment has its way of unveiling the unexpected. Join us for Adel’s talk about what happens when wine fuelled plans to summit the Matterhorn meet reality.

Adele Pennington, once Science Researcher and Chemistry Teacher, now full time Mountaineering Instructor and Expedition Leader, never imagined she would have a career in the mountains. Growing up in the flatlands of Northamptonshire, she started a long way from her 1998 achievement as the first British woman to complete a winter ascent of Ama Dablam (6,386m) in the Himalaya. After a couple of career changes Adele found a real passion for High Altitude mountaineering and has successfully submitted six of the fourteen 8,000m peaks and guided Everest twice. Currently, she has settled in the North West of Scotland to run her own company, ‘Adele Pennington Mountaineering’. She is also enjoying her latest pursuits in ski -mountaineering and sea-kayaking.