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Alpine Stories with Lou Reynolds: Grand Courses

Join the talk by clicking this link at 7pm BST:

Six big routes, hard earned lessons and Alpine inspiration. Join us for Lou Reynold’s Alpine Stories talk, Grand Courses, to hear her entertaining story of her apprenticeship in the mountains. Without a mentor or a climbing partner who knew the Alps well, Lou had to build up her experience and knowledge step by step. Her talk will take us on a tour across the French, Italian and Swiss Alps. Transporting us all onto the inspiring big faces and routes which were her greatest teachers. She will share some of the more obscure lessons she learned along the way and aims to inspire us to more Alpine adventures when we are able to get back into the mountains.

Lou Reynolds is a Devon born, Scotland based aspirant British Mountain Guide who works as an AMI Mountaineering and Ski instructor and guide (Summer & Winter) across the UK; She specialises in the development of her client’s skills, sufficiency and confidence. Her passion for her work is fed by her love of helping people experience mountain environments and adventures that they would not be able to otherwise.