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Alpine Stories with Silvia Loreggian: Patagonian Love Stories

Climbing, love and secret adventure plans. Join WAAC’s Alpine Stories on Thursday 30th April at 7pm BST for Silvia Loreggian’s stories about her travels to Patagonia. Her first trip there in 2016, self titled ‘La ruta de los suenos’ or ‘The Path of Dreams’, is where she met her current boyfriend and then travelled across South America climbing along the way. By 2019 she was back in Patagonia to climb Cerro Torre. Despite the terrible weather and herbeing unable to complete her planned route, she took in some fantastic high quality granite routes instead. During this Alpine Story episode she will share stories of her Patagonian adventures and let us in on a preview of the top secret exhibition she is planning for a post Covid-19 lock down world. She hopes that this virtual trip will fill your dreams with excitement and keep your inspiration lit during these dark times for adventuring.

Silvia Loreggian is an Italian Mountain Guide, Rock climber and Skier. Her passion for climbing and travelling have led her to complete expeditions in some of the most beautiful places in the world including Patagonia, Morocco and Nepal. Her accomplishments include repeats of some of the most iconic climbs in the Dolomite, such as Attraverso il Pesce, and Mount Blanc areas and 8a flashes on Sport Routes. She currently lives in the Italian Dolomites and is keen to support WAAC’s Summer Meet there once we are able to reschedule.

Join the talk by clicking this link at 7pm BST on Thursday 30th April 2020: