*NEW Alpine Skills Series: Crevasse Rescue

In this first contribution to the WAAC Alpine Skill Share Series we look at Crevasse Rescue and Travelling on a Glacier.

Practicing at the base of the Allainhorn in Saas Fee

Practicing at the base of the Allainhorn in Saas Fee

This is often a skill which people feel less confident in, and I think this could be just the fact that we (hopefully!) never have to use it in anger. Before every trip I always practice in whatever space available and this will mean forgetting certain bits, and then revisiting books and videos. I also make sure that this is practiced either on an acclimatization day or at the hut the afternoon before a route.

The key is to keep it simple and stick to a system that works for you.

To this end I have put together a playlist of videos I think are helpful - there are heaps out there and these can be useful in developing your practice once the basics are embedded.

Check out the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa6O6GNMPjADpnguKvUe8ntwUdTZhWUpk

I’ve also put together a little video (very amateur) that goes through how I rope up for a glacier and goes through the basics of an unassisted hoist. Everyone will have different ways of doing this and again, the key is to find a way that works for you and be consistent with it.

I’m not a Guide and do not claim to be an expert in this, I’ve just found a way that works for me.

Join us on our Facebook Page to share how you set up for Glacier Travel and the different ways to carry out a Crevasse Rescue, so we can all keep learning and expanding our skill base.

We can look at other skills such as what to do if you’ve got another rope handy to set up a separate system or if you have knots in the rope you’re travelling with.

Get in Touch via Facebook, email or Instagram to engage with the WAAC community.
