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Alpine Stories with Tania Noakes: Dolomites

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Pale limestone rock faces soaring above verdant alpine meadows, fractal passages shape-shifting with the change of sunlight and one dog-eared, sellotaped copy of Köhler & Memmel’s “Classic Climbs of the Dolomites.” Join us for Tania Noakes’ Alpine Stories where she shares the tales of her project to tick all the routes described in the aforementioned guide. Her enthusiasm for rock climbing and mountaineering in the Dolomites has grown without interruption since her first visit there 15 years ago. This region of complex limestone architecture and isolated rock monoliths is completely unique. Shining like summer snow in the early morning light and slow to reveal its secrets, the sedimentary rock developed from ancient coral reefs which grew to immense size in a shallow ocean millions of years ago. Its characteristic horizontal faults allow unexpected and yet incredible traverses in unlikely positions on surprisingly good holds; sometimes…

Tania’s passion for this region has drawn her back to the area again and again, sometimes for months at a time. Accompanied by this book’s pages, on each trip she has explored and completed many of the ‘classic climbs’ described in the guide. When she realised in 2018 that she had only 32 routes left of the 102 to tick, the idea formed fast that completing the book was a possibility. Let her tell you a little bit about her Dolomite adventures from last summer.

Tania Noakes is an adventurer with a curiosity about how life fits together. Working as an IFMGA mountain guide is an important part of her ongoing ‘patch-work’ journey. Her two favorite places in Europe are the Dolomites and Sardina; where she is currently based due to its proximity to the sea. Her ideal day begins with an early start, focused around a long and engaging route; something beautiful and memorable- perhaps with some interesting history thrown in. Culminating in the gaining of a quiet summit, hard fought for and followed by a descent that asks from you a little more; classic Dolomites! All of this shared with friends, in good spirits with efficiency so that there is time for a beer afterwards to celebrate.